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Wulver Filesystems

The Wulver environment is quite a bit like Lochness, but there are some key differences, especially in filesystems and SLURM partitions and priorities.

Wulver Filesystems are deployed with more attention to PI ownership / group efforts:

  1. The $HOME directory is not intended for primary storage and has a 50GB quota. The main location for storing files is the group project directory which has 2TB of storage per PI group. To run the simulations, compilations, etc., users need to use a project directory which has 2TB of storage per PI group. Students can store their files under their corresponding PI’s UCID in the /project directory. For example, if PI’s UCID is doctorx, then students need to use the /project/doctorx/ directory.
  2. Users can also store temporary files under the /scratch directory, likewise under a PI-group directory. For example, PI’s UCID is doctorx, so students need to use the /scratch/doctorx/ directory. Please note that the files under /scratch will be periodically deleted. To store files for longer than computations, please use the /project directory. Files under /scratch are not backed up. For best performance simulations should be performed in the /scratch directory. Once the simulation is complete, the results should be copied into the $HOME or /project directory. Files are deleted from /scratch after they are 30 days old.
  3. The /research and $HOME directory from Lochness will be mounted on Wulver as /research and /oldhome respectively. For details, see Migration.
Filesystem Purpose Characterics Backup policy Total Size Default Quota Deletion Policy Cost per TB
/home Non-research user files, such as profile, history, etc., files not intended for sharing. Not for actual research files. Kalray Pixstor / GPFS (expensive) Daily ~1 PB 50GB per user (locked) One year after owner leaves NJIT Not possible to increase size, use /project or /research instead
/project Active research by groups. Deployed as /project/$PI_UCID/$LOGIN/ Kalray Pixstor / GPFS (expensive) Daily ~1 PB 2TB per group TBD $200 per TB for a duration of five years, minimum storage allocation of 5TB is required
/scratch Temporary space for intermediate results, downloads, checkpoints, and such. MOVE YOUR RESULTS & IMPORTANT FILES TO /project or /research Nvme (very expensive) NEVER ~ 150 TB 10TB per group Files deleted after 30 days or sooner if 80% full No charge, but files are automatically deleted
/tmp Very high speed temporary storage Node-local SSD or NVME (very expensive) NEVER 1 TB per node shared by all users NONE Files deleted after job completion No charge, but files are automatically deleted
/research Long term archive. Users can buy as much as they need. The users need to buy this space. Existing purchases/quotas will be kept over from Lochness. NFS (inexpensive) Daily 8 TB Whatever the PI purchases. TBD $100 per TB per five years
/oldhome Lochness /home is mounted as read-only on Wulver login nodes NFS CSO 8 TB NA All to be deleted one year after last login is migrated from Lochness to Wulver. NA